Serena Saunders

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Serena Saunders is a full-time mother and practicing artist. Native to Philadelphia, Serena’s core is Fine Art but she also creates in the realm of Fashion Design and Writing. Her work as a painter has a fresh, color-strong perspective that speaks to our imagination while the subjects ask of our awareness. Her often large-scale, graphically bold and poetically composed paintings offer the viewer layers of narrative. The painter works with a color palette that gives her intricate prints a world of their own. She then uses these environments on canvas as a backdrop to her portraits and their stories. You will often find a matter of injustice or undying hope fighting its way through the line work to prevail at the surface. It is clear that her work is influenced by her compassion towards youth and community. This affection for the youth was nurtured during her decade spent teaching art and poetry at more then a dozen schools and non-profit organizations throughout Philadelphia and neighboring states. She has shown in spaces such as Galleries and International Fairs as well as local shops and cafe’s, you could even find her serving up free art classes outside on the sidewalks of her neighborhoods. Serena Saunders has also served as the Creative Ambassador for the City of Philadelphia, and has been featured in numerous publications including Rolling Out, The Philadelphia Tribune, and local televised news outlets.

Last updated: Dec 17, 2021