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A Spiritual Journey Elevates the Human Mind

A Spiritual Journey Elevates the Human Mind by artist Delia King is located in the Belmont neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Religious practice is an education for mind and body that allows us to recognize and respect God. Many ancient spiritual and secular texts describe the attainment of this knowledge as a journey to and from light and dark. These writings state that in order to understand one, the other must also be known. This mural attempts to illustrate this ideal. Due to restrictions regarding images of man that many religions have, this wall has symbols that refer to humankind rather than direct depictions.

The center of this mural has a dwelling and vehicles and animals used for transport. A dwelling provides us with the shelter we need to survive. However, it is also a metaphor for our body which houses, but by no means limits, our soul. It is our soul that drives us onward in our journey. The method of this journey may differ from person to person, but each has a common goal: to be enlightened by the essence of God. The animals and vehicles represent these different means.

We have a right to seek spiritual enlightenment in a way that best suits our communities, our families and ourselves. This love and freedom brings us closer to each other and, ultimately, God.