Be the Change

Artist Statement:
“The mural theme is cultural diversity highlighting people from all over the world that influenced positive change in our society. The main historical event the students voted to showcase in the mural is the story of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Silhouettes of students camouflaged in a forest emerge from the left side to the center of the right side wall. Syllabic writing from various cultures that are also pictographs are disguised as leaves of trees and waves of water. Camouflaged pictographs emerging with the words BE THE CHANGE reflects the theme identity, cultural democracy and cultural presence which allows for personal and community change through dignity and self-respect. Overhead, various fabric designs from various continents are visually integrated as an abstracted open hand next to each other with an icon that is at the center of the palm. At the top above the exit doorway is a sun with three hands creating a triangle with a Southeast Asian bamboo woven-ball behind it. Role models, elders and heroes from various ethnicities occupy the projecting wall. These figures are all surrounding a strong circle made of riverbed polished stones with a silhouette of Mahatma Gandhi who inspired the title of the mural. Children holding a box camera with the US capitol on top of it send the message that they have the civic rights to be an agent of change through civic engagement and cultural democracy. At the right are two Asian elders with cultural artifacts which students suggested to represent. The wisdom of their grandparents ensures that the next generation will continue their heritage which often times they wouldn’t get at school. Finally original ideas from student drawings inspired the leafless trees and the phoenix at the far right end of the mural.”
Location Note: Mural is located at the rear of the school and may not be publicly accessible.