Blueprint North

Panel one features portraits of children riding bicycles, accompanied by text that reads: “street rhythm/el ritmo de la calle…/pounding cut, pulsing veins,/hearts bloating with…/promise and pain/laughter and rage/hope and heartache.”
Panel two features a pair of large hands outstreched towards the viewer paired with the poem: “this mural will teach children/and pastors, and thugs and/passer-bys/how to forgive…it speaks/from the heart of this place…/this neighborhood will not be/ignored…/it is important…you can’t silence/this neighborhood…/this neighborhood is alive…this/neighborhood is power.”
Panel three shows the generations of a family and is paired with: “girls with hoop earrings/will walk by this mural/smacking their gum and talkin’/about boys and they will stop/and say…/this mural – it is truth, it is/passionate/it is beautiful…/and then they will go on down/the street, hoop earrings/swinging, catching sun’s light,/talking about boys/and feeling proud that this mural/is here.”