Brighten the Corners (Queen Lane Wall)

The murals that live at Greene and Queen on either side of the Sunoco Gas station are the final result of artist James Burns’ two-year residency at the Einstein Hospital LTSR. Burns met weekly with the residents and staff, engaging them in a series of art activities that ultimately led to the creation of these murals.
These murals includes a number of neighborhood residents, including: Helen Lawton, who lived across the street from the murals and was known throughout the neighborhood for her warm nature; and Ms. Toni Rose and Kathryn Franklin, who revitalized and have been long-time advocates for Howell Park, a pocket park in Germantown with “champion trees.” Ms. Toni, a percussionist with the Famous Willa Ward singers, is also an author of a book that chronicles the life and times of the well-known Gospel singers. The murals also include portraits of many of the residents and staff at the LTSR.
In his artist’s statement, Burns describes his experience: “The staff and residents at the LTSR were great thought partners, who provided me with their creative interests, time, attention, and passion. In my many visits we had opportunities to create together, to talk and get to know one another, and to collectively explore our interests in a community art project. I asked the question ‘what do we want to contribute to our community?’ in a number of different ways. There were many different answers but ultimately we returned to two themes: beauty and joy.”