In the Presence of a Peaceful Place

The east mural (featured here) includes a woman clad in royal purple, representing nature. A woman in the center of the mural is the grandmother, a community matriarch. The birds surrounding the women represent the continuity of established family histories, indicating that all is known in the world within the comfort of the family. A father and mother with dogs who protect the children. The puppy and two others also reflect the human family and the idea that “a dog is man’s best friend.” The peacock with its tail is open showing “a thousand eyes” looks out to protect the child. All of these protective symbols surround a young child who the grandmother holds to her cheek. The scene is balanced on each side by trees with circular yellow and orange leaves representing the constant spiral of life.
On the west mural, three men are celebrating a responsibility to foster a peaceful place for children. The man at left is a Rastafarian playing a flute, representing the Hebrew. The middle man is a rapper holding a microphone, representing the Christian, The horn player represents the Muslim. The female figure represents Nature, as in the companion mural.