Metamorphosis: Blueprint to End Homelessness

The metamorphosis takes a viewer first from a figure in a fetal position deposited at the bottom of the composition, representing an individual who has, for whatever reason, hit a low point in life. From this figure and place in the mural, arise 100 butterflies.
Each of the butterflies, which were fabricated from sheet metal by residents of the former city-run Ridge Avenue Shelter, represents a person who has made the transformation into a better version of themself then when that arrived at the shelter. The shelter served primarily, single, adult, male residents in mental health and substance abuse programs. Today the building is a temporary food storage warehouse.
It was the artist’s hope that the mural will serve to break down common fear and stereotypes associated with the homeless, and proudly represent those men who have made the positive life affirming decision to pass through the welcoming doors of a shelter.