Songs of Hope

In 1998, with the bipartisan support of Congress and the President, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) created the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, an effort designed to educate and empower youth to reject illicit drugs. Counting on an unprecedented blend of public and private partnerships, nonprofit community service organizations, volunteerism, and youth-to-youth communications, the Campaign was designed to reach Americans of diverse backgrounds wherever they live, learn, work, play, and practice their faith.
Starting in 2000, the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign worked with corporate and community-based organizations to create “My Anti-Drug” murals. These murals, located in 26 cities around the United States, provided youth with an opportunity to express and tell the world what stands between them and drugs. The murals supported the Campaign’s positive messages of a drug-free lifestyle by encouraging youth to focus on the thing that keeps them from using drugs – their Anti-Drug.
A “My Anti-Drug” Mural Guide, an initiative of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, was developed in partnership with the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program and made possible by the generous support of AT&T Wireless. The guide gives mural arts and youth-serving organizations creative ways to use substance abuse prevention themes in their arts programs.