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7 of Our Favorite Atlas of Tomorrow Instagram Posts

If you’ve ever walked near the intersection of Broad and South, you’ve probably seen a few people stop, stare, and run across the street to spin the giant wheel on the wall at South and Juniper. The wheel is part of one of our Porch Light murals: The Atlas of Tomorrow from artist Candy Chang, an interactive, I Ching-inspired, modern-day oracle in multimedia. This black and white mural asks viewers to think of a situation in which they’re seeking clarity, and then to spin the wheel to find one of the 64 stories on the wall as a source of reflection.

We love seeing everyone interact with this work-of-art-as-collective-tool on social media—it’s amazing to watch people take away different experiences, and have so much fun spinning that wheel like they’re on The Price Is Right. Check out seven of our fave Instagram posts below, and keep tagging #AtlasofTomorrow!


? #atlasoftomorrow #candychang #philly #muralart #muralartsprogram #muralartsphilly #arteverywhere

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#streetart #southstreetphilly #atlasoftomorrow #candychang

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Spinning. #Atlasoftomorrow

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