Hello World

If you’re reading this, then you already know about the new Mural Arts blog, Wall Watch. You’ve also probably noticed that our website has changed quite a bit/completely over the last few days. So, aside from everything, what’s new around here? Here are some highlights to look out for:
Our old site had a deficiency of ways to share images and information about our work. That’s fixed. Many of our biggest and most content rich projects have been folded into the “Mural Explorer,” an interactive flash site, that lives within the larger site. You can view slideshows, watch videos, scroll full screen galleries and explore symbols and stories behind the art. For example, flip on your speakers and click the “Explore Mural” button on these couple of features:
Aside from the flash feature, we’ve got a few other ways to share information and images of our work, past, present and future. Check out our Mural Project, Exhibition,Student Artwork and Featured Project pages. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, you can always still browse over to Mural Farm, our comprehensive online library covering our full 25-year history.
Want to share your own mural photo? Join our public flickr pool and see your image on our gallery of user submitted images. And of course, check back at Wall Watch for general news, info and stuff we just find interesting.
As always, you can book a Tour, find out more about enrollment to our Art Education programming, request a mural, apply for a position as a muralist, instructor or office staff person, buy merchandise, make a secure, tax deductable donation, and stay up to date on events with our official calendar. And that just scratches the surface. Take a look around. This site is as big as we are ambitious.