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Revisiting the Baseball Murals

In 1997, mural, Jackie Robinson, debuted at at 2803 North Broad Street in Philadelphia. Almost 20 years later, our tribute to great American baseball player Jackie Robinson still stands.

After a beautiful restoration this year, we’re re-dedicating the Jackie Robinson mural tomorrow, April 15, on Jackie Robinson Day – the day in 1947 that Jackie Robinson took the field with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Although he was never a member of our Phillies, Jackie Robinson helped destroy the color line in major league baseball. He became the first baseball player to break Major League Baseball’s color barrier that segregated the game for over 50 years, and is shown dynamically sliding across home base and stealing a home run in the World Series in this iconic Philadelphia mural.

Jackie Robinson may have been the first to break the segregated barrier into the major leagues, but there were incredible athletes in Philadelphia in the early half of the century who played in the Negro League. And, as we rededicate the Jackie Robinson mural, we’re also rededicating our restored mural, Philadelphia Stars, a piece that highlights some of the fantastic players from Philadelphia.

And all these wonderful Philly baseball murals come from the paintbrush of artist David McShane. In fact, McShane also designed the Phillies mural at 24th and Walnut that was completed in July 2015. We think it’s safe to say that David’s a huge baseball fan, and so are we!

For information about how to join us in celebrating the rededication of these iconic murals, click here.


Meg Wolensky
