Rolling Through Mural Arts Month

We’re halfway through, and we can hardly believe it! We loved celebrating with you last week at Barnes on the Block, our Mural Arts Month opening party in partnership with the Barnes Foundation. Still to come: exhibition openings, crafting, public discussions, and much more.
Here’s where you can find Mural Arts events all week long:

Friday, October 12 / 5–7PM
Spring Arts Exhibition Opening
990 Spring Garden Street
Help us open the newest Spring Arts exhibition, curated by Paradigm Gallery and hosted by Arts + Crafts Holdings, featuring artists Joe Boruchow and Dennis McNett.

Wednesday, October 17 / 4–7PM
Build Your Own with Tiny WPA & Trash Academy
3900 Lancaster Avenue
With Tiny WPA, the City’s Zero Waste and Litter Cabinet, and student activists from Trash Academy, repurpose predatory signage offering to purchase homes and vehicles for cash.

Thursday, October 18 / 6–8PM
For Freedoms Town Hall
PAFA, 118–128 North Broad Street
A discussion about encouraging civic discourse, in collaboration with the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, and with the African American Museum in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and Monument Lab.

Thursday, October 18 / 5–7PM
Portraits of Justice Simulation Experience with Sue Ellen Allen
Friends Center, Cherry Street Room, 1501 Cherry Street
A unique and intense two-hour reentry simulation, guiding participants through the difficult steps of returning from incarceration. Registration required.

Dedicate a colorful, fabric-inspired design on the façade of Lucien E. Blackwell Library celebrating the culture of the African diaspora. (Psst! This event features free Mural Arts Month donuts from Federal Donuts!)
Thanks to our Mural Arts Month 2018 sponsors: Presenting Sponsor PECO; Supporting Sponsors Nick & Dee Adams; Contributing Sponsor Lyft; Participating Sponsors the Majik Foundation, Parkway Corporation, Hankin Management Company, Relief Communications, Wawa, the Independence Foundation, and Federal Donuts.