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Supporting Our Community During COVID-19

We’re all in this together.

For 35 years, Mural Arts Philadelphia has transformed communities by working with them to create the beautiful, participatory outdoor art gallery that Philadelphia has become known for. The recent COVID-19 outbreak is unprecedented and has forced us to adapt and find new ways to engage with each other while social distancing is in play. We, like most others, are still adjusting to this change, and hope that the suggestions below grant you comfort and creativity as we continue to connect to our communities from a distance.

Be sure to check the Mural Arts COVID-19 page for updated information on events and closures.

Looking for volunteer opportunities? The City of Philadelphia has a service to match you with the perfect volunteer position. Check it out now!

Support Local Artists & Businesses

Buy gift cards for local businesses or put in a deposit on future work from artists to help support them. As storefronts and events shutter, we all feel the impact, but can still contribute.

Don’t Stockpile!

There are lots of people who need masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and other protective gear for their day-to-day jobs as well as people who are particularly at risk. Think of keeping these resources available for those in most need when the urge to stockpile kicks in.

You can keep your home clean and safe without overbuying. This post from Apartment Therapy lists helpful tips to keep in mind as you prepare your home.

Already given in to the urge? Donate your extra materials to a medical facility.

Donate to a Food Pantry or Shelter

If you are able, donate to your local food pantry. With so many people living in or on the edge of poverty, food insecurity is already a daily event. Business closures mean our social systems will be even more important.

Philabundance is a reliable resource for anyone in need.

Check in on your Loved Ones

It can be tempting to lock yourself away, but do check in to make sure your loved ones and neighbors have everything they need to ride out a quarantine. Especially in times of crisis, we are all in this together.


Join us as we #VisitFromHome the many innovative Philadelphia institutions whose operations are impacted.

You can also enjoy Philly’s famous outdoor mural gallery from the comfort of your home!

Are you an artist that needs additional support? This list has tons of resources for freelance artists including general preparation tips, emergency funding, online platforms, and more in response to COVID-19.


March 17, 2020


Norah Langweiler