Ursula Rucker describes her “heart-opening” experience with Mural Arts

Tonight’s poetry reading at the Painted Bride features internationally recognized spoken word poet and recording artist Ursula Rucker, who took a few minutes to chat with me about her experience working with Mural Arts. Read on for Ursula’s thoughts, then join us for an unforgettable evening.
Carly: Tell me a little about your artistic style.
Ursula: It’s difficult for ME to talk about my “style.” Someone who experiences what I do and how I do it could probably better explain my “style.” I can, however, talk about the intention in my work and the manners in which I share that work. It’s really all about the intention and sharing: being true, honest, clear, authentic, sincere, and all that good stuff, you know?
Carly: What’s been the highlight of working with members of our Guild and Restorative Justice program participants? Has it surprised or changed you in any way?
Ursula: Oh wow. I’ll do my best to give a short answer on this. It has definitely changed me, in the best way. These young people are beautiful and intelligent and incredible and raw. I love working-sharing-building-creating with them. It’s been eye and heart-opening, to say the least. I want them all to have nothing but the absolute best in life. This is the work that truly matters.
Carly: What do you hope audience members experience, learn, or feel during Friday’s event?
Ursula: I hope folks feel the intention and the work and the honesty. And I hope they see the beautiful utility in art as a means of speaking one’s own truth, and healing one’s own trauma. The great potential of art as a healer, in general.
Carly: What projects are you excited to tackle next?
Ursula: I can’t wait to finish my next solo album and put it out. I got a lot of stuff to say!
Join Ursula, SWOON, and members of the Guild tonight for a poetry reading at the Painted Bride.