Nana Blankets

The third installment of Pannepacker’s Wall of Rugs series, Nana Blankets is a paint and textile mural project on the Diamond street bridge in North Philadelphia. The colorful mural consists of paintings on the metal diamond plate, and ‘shag’ textiles on the chain link fencing. The bottom concrete portion on both sides of the bridge is a continuous stenciled black and white graphic of knots/stitches/loops.
Wall of Rugs 1 & 2 : the global language of textiles was about the international “language” of textiles, & a celebration of aesthetic beauty in many countries. Nana Blankets has a similar aesthetic sensibility, but is instead designed to look and feel like crochet afghans and blankets from our family/community homes. Think- security blanket, welcome, ease & comfort; think-love, family, home, belonging and support/care.
The design incorporates community submitted images of handmade blankets & afghans. Submissions also included stories about the loved ones who made them.
This poem a text panel of the mural is a good summary of the intention and spirit of the piece:
Nana, dear
Opening this blanket a pattern unfurls
Each stitch reveals a sweet memory
Wrapped in the circular warmth of your love
You hold me close, whispering clearly:
“Don’t give up, I believe in you.”