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CAICU Mural Dedication at Front & Susquehanna

Mural Arts’ CAICU project kicks off its Philadelphia 2025 event series with a new mural at the corner of Front & Susquehanna, honoring the Norris Square community’s rich history and Caribbean heritage. This mural celebrates the legacy and evolution of this space by reimagining previous works on this wall.  Lead artists: Celso Gonzalez of Loíza, Puerto Rico, and Omar García, “Angurria,” of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Collaborating artists: Dan One, Calo Rosa, and the Taína Sisters.

9:00 am Park Clean Up led by the Friends of Norris Square Park
11:00 am  Dedication Festivities: Performances by the Norris Square Senior Community Center’s Grupo Alegría and students from Mad Beatz afterschool drumming program, vibes by Philly’s own DJ Bobby Flowers and delicious treats by Amy’s Pastelillos.
11:30 am  New Tours of Norris Square will begin and run throughout the event.

El proyecto CAICU de Mural Arts arranca su serie de eventos del 2025 en Philadelphia con un nuevo mural en la esquina de Front y Susquehanna, que honra la rica historia y la herencia caribeña de la comunidad de Norris Square. Este mural celebra el legado y la evolución de este espacio al reimaginar obras anteriores en este muro. Artistas principales: Celso González de Loíza, Puerto Rico, y Omar García, “Angurria”, de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Artistas colaboradores: Dan One, Calo Rosa y Vanessa Vega (Taina Sisters)

9:00 am Limpieza del parque a cargo de los Friends of Norris Square.
11:00 am  Festividades de dedicación: Presentaciones del Grupo Alegría del Norris Square Senior Community Center y estudiantes del programa de Mad Beatz, vibras a cargo de Philly’s own DJ Bobby Flowers, y antojitos de Amy’s Pastelillos.
11:30 am Nuevos recorridos por Norris Square.

CAICU is a socially engaged public art series weaving together culturally and historically significant Puerto Rican-themed gardens in the Norris Square neighborhood created by community organizers in the 1980s. The project builds a cultural bridge with Norris Square, Philadelphia, and Loíza, Puerto Rico, through cultural organizing, public art, and cultural exchange.

CAICU es una serie de arte público socialmente comprometida que entrelaza jardines centrados  en una temática puertorriqueña y de importancia cultural e histórica en el vecindario de Norris Square, creado por organizadoras comunitarias en los 1980s. El proyecto construye un puente cultural entre Norris Square, Philadelphia y Loíza, Puerto Rico, a través de la gestión cultural, el arte público e intercambios culturales.


Funding Credits: City of Philadelphia, NEA, William Penn Foundation, PNC Arts Alive

Apr. 19, 2025
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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2200 N Front St. Philadelphia, PA 19133
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