Art Education
Connect to art. Connect with us.
We believe we have the responsibility to inspire the next generation of leaders, and we strive to ensure that the possibilities are endless. Art Education students have opportunities to:
- work with locally, nationally, and internationally known artists
- contribute to major public art projects
- develop creative portfolios and showcase artwork at exhibitions
- apply to scholarships, internships, and jobs in the creative sector
The Art Education program helps students across the city unlock their creative capacities, inviting them to take risks, share their experiences, and illustrate the world as they see it. Art becomes a platform for discovery, launching the types of personal and communal experiences that can shape a student’s path for years to come. We provide both in-school and after-school arts-based programming for over 2,000 students at 16 sites across Philadelphia each year, studying everything from entrepreneurship to environmental stewardship through an artistic lens.
Rolling admission is now open. 2024-25 school year programming begins the week of September 23, 2024 and ends the week of June 2, 2025. We hold twice a week programming at several middle school sites (ages 10-13), several high school sites (ages 14-22), two Restorative Practices Youth sites, and our open enrollment studio space.

The most important thing I learned through my experience with Mural Arts is the passion to create art and express your ideas of freedom through it.
- Jock, former Foundations & Innovations student