Explore Our Porch Light Programs
Color Me Back: A Same Day Work and Pay Program
Color Me Back: A Same Day Work and Pay Program
Participate in innovative programs that provide opportunities for creativity, employment, and community connection, like the Color Me Back initiative. Read More
Kensington Storefront
Kensington Storefront
Step into the Kensington Storefront, a vibrant space where art, healing, and civic engagement intersect. Read More
Mural Projects
Mural Projects
Explore how mural projects within the Porch Light program use art to promote mental health and strengthen communities. Read More
Northeast Passage
Northeast Passage
Connect with the Northeast Passage, a community hub providing creative and educational opportunities for immigrants and refugees. Read More
Provider Sites
Provider Sites
Learn how Mural Arts partners with behavioral health providers to create public art that fosters healing and resilience. Read More
Southeast by Southeast
Southeast by Southeast
Immerse yourself in Southeast by Southeast, an initiative supporting immigrant and refugee families through public art and social services. Read More

What is Porch Light?

At Mural Arts, we believe that hands-on art-making provides a strong pathway for individual and community healing.

Our Porch Light program, a joint collaboration with the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services, focuses on achieving universal health and wellness among Philadelphians, especially those dealing with mental health issues or trauma. We do this by providing opportunities to contribute to meaningful works of public art.

Porch Light projects are driven by issues that have tangible effects on local communities, such as mental health, substance use, spirituality, unhoused populations, trauma, immigration, war, and neighborhood safety. The targeted outcomes of any Porch Light project include:

  • improvements to the physical environment
  • new opportunities for social connections
  • positive changes within a community, such as enhanced unity and empathy among neighbors
  • beneficial effects for participants who have encountered hardship related to the addressed issues

Porch Light does its work in four main arenas: 

An ongoing list of brilliant murals and transformed public spaces throughout Philadelphia are the final products of year-round Porch Light workshops, community meetings, health forums, and paint days. A finished Porch Light artwork shines a light on the people who helped bring the project to life and challenges social stigmas around mental and behavioral health, offering a fresh window of opportunity for continued progress and community growth.

Visit www.porchlightvirtualtour.org for a visual map and description of all the Porch Light projects that have been completed throughout the city.

How do we measure the impact of Porch Light?

The Yale School of Medicine conducted rigorous, community-based research in three Porch Light communities to assess the program’s impact on individual and community-level health outcomes. The study found that there were significantly positive effects on both participants in Porch Light programming and on the neighborhoods where the projects were installed. Read more about the study and its findings HERE.

What is the future of Porch Light? Can the program work in any city?

National foundations, health leaders, and universities from all over the country look to Mural Arts’ Porch Light program as an example of progressive public health promotion. With generous support from our sponsors, we are honing the Porch Light methodology and striving to create a national model for an innovative approach to promoting healthy communities.

Download the Porch Light Manual to read an overview of the program model and learn how to replicate it in your city.

How can I learn more?

For more information on Porch Light or any individual Porch Light project, please contact program director Nadia Malik at nadia.malik@muralarts.org.

When you create that space to make something, it opens up another world

Dr. Meagan Corrado

completed murals and public art projects
in wages paid monthly to economically and housing insecure Philadelphians
community members engaged in the work annually
School District of Philadelphia
Prevention Point Philadelphia
Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)
Free Library of Philadelphia
Kensington Voice
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention
Adolescent Violence Reduction Partnership
The Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Horizon House
Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association
African Cultural Alliance of North America, Inc.
Esperanza Health Center
Hispanic Community Counseling Services
Morris Home