DIY: T-Shirt to Tote Bag Transformation

Earth Day Turns 50!
To celebrate, we’re featuring a quick DIY from Trash Academy, a Mural Arts initiative that uses art and creativity as a vehicle to turn the concept of ‘trash’ on its head and help our communities imagine a new way of caring for our neighborhoods. Haul out that old sewing machine, grab a stack of old t-shirts, and get yourself some brand new tote bags!
Follow along with our instructional video:
What You’ll Need
- T-shirt
- Scissors
- Cardboard
- Sewing Machine
- Paint or Markers

Step 1
Cut the sleeves off your t-shirt.
Step 2
Cut the neckline out of the shirt. It has to be a little wider than the original neckline. Make sure you don’t cut it too wide or the straps will be too narrow and flimsy.
Step 3
Turn your t-shirt inside out.
Step 4
Sew the bottom of the t-shirt closed using two rows of zig-zag stitch on the sewing machine. You don’t need to be a skilled sewer for this project – it’s easy enough for anyone to try it!
No sewing machine? Give hand-stitching a try. It may not be as strong but it will certainly do the trick!
Step 5
Turn your t-shirt right-side out. Get ready to decorate!
Step 6
Slip a piece of cardboard into the shirt to ensure and lay it flat. This will ensure your paint or markers do not seep to the other side.
Step 7
Color or paint your bag to your heart’s content!
Step 8
Download and print Reusable Bag Jeopardy.
Put Jeopardy in your bag so that when friends compliment your bag you can whip it out for a quick game! Did you know 2 million plastic bags are used every minute? Challenge your friends’ knowledge with the game to spark a conversation about climate change. Making a reusable bag is a great way to do your part and an easy craft anyone can do.
Don’t forget to post your DIY bag to social! #BYOBagPHL