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Green Wall Dedication

On Thursday June 10th, Mural Arts dedicated Philly’s first outdoor Green Wall. So what is a green wall? Basically it’s a vertical space covered by vegetation. They’re great for handling rainwater, insulating a home, reducing CO2, or in the case of this one, making a beautiful and interesting piece of public art.

The sculpture itself is our first collaboration with environmental artist JEFRË and was built with the help of Green Living Technologies (and many others). Students from the Mural Corps program also helped with the design and process.

The complete sculpture is pretty impressive. I photographed the dedication and had a great time playing with the light and reflections that it created. Get on out to 38thand Powelton and see it for yourself. Until then, here are some photos:

reflecting sunlight

All photos by Steve Weinik


June 14, 2010


